Dr. Sebastien Varrette

• Dr. Sebastien Varrette is research scientist within the PCOG at the University of Luxembourg (UL)

Dr. Sebastien Varrette is a research associate within the PCOG group1 at the University of Luxembourg (UL), thus part of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC). Expert in the deployment and management of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems, he is leading the management of the UL HPC platform and the associated expert team of system administrators since he joined Prof. Pascal Bouvry in 2007

His main research interests lie in the domains of the security and performance of parallel and distributed computing platforms, such as HPC or Cloud Computing infrastructures.

General Chair for the recent 8th IEEE international conference on Cloud Computing Technology & Science (IEEE CloudCom’16), he’s also active as track chair or as scientific committee member for various reference conferences within his area of expertise (IEEE CloudNet, CloudCom, OPTIM, Europar, PCGrid, ICPADS, IPDPS, HPCS etc.). He is also involved in several technical workgroups (such as Grid5000) and act as Principal Investigator or as Work Package leader in various national or EU projects such as LSDEM (UL), Green@Cloud (FNR/CNRS), EvoPerf (UL), ISHOP (FNR/NCBiT/POLLUX) etc. He takes part and represents Luxembourg for the management committee of several EU projects, such as the COST action IC1305 “Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)” or the ETP4HPC and PRACE projects. He has also concrete contributions in several strategic projects developed within or around the UL, that involve multiple key decision makers in the Luxembourg context, either from the private sector or at the governmental level.

Sebastien Varrette received an M.S. in Computer Science from the Telecom department of the Grenoble Institute of Technology (ENSERG/ENSIMAG), together with an M.S. in Cryptology, Security and Information Coding (CSCI) with honours in 2003. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science entitled “Security in Large Scale Computing Systems: Authentication and Result Checking” in 2007.

Up to now, Dr. Varrette co-authored four books and more than nine book chapters in Computer Science. He also wrote about 80 research or popularization articles in scientific journals, or international conference proceedings.

More details can be found in his curriculum vitae.

“This program provides a hollistic view on huge technological challenges faced by companies nowadays from an academic, industrial and standardization point of views. We believe this will bring not only a way to be proactive but also new business opportunities”

Prof. Pascal Bouvry, Principal Investigator